Preparation functionalities
Provides for grouping people into groups.
Allows messages to be created and stored for future use.
Allows segregation of message content with ENTER.
Allows the placement of 'link' to video, 'web site', etc.
Allows to place for the 'unsubscribe'. This is handled by group.
Ability to send you a survey and know the results.
Control the 'Sender' of the message.
Allows you to set the Title of the message to 'Bold'.
Shipping functionalities
Allows you to know the people to whom the message was sent.
It allows to know who opened the link of any url.
Allows to know who did the 'unsubscribe'.
Provides per run a summary of number of sent messages, unsubscribes, open links.
It allows to know which ones had 'bounce'.
Allows the management of 'two way communication'.